Call for research project · ‘Natural repellent substances effective against Alphitobius’ · Closed
1 de February de 2021
The Vallbo Foundation initiates a study on the ruminal microbiota in ruminants at the University of Córdoba
2 de July de 2021Microbiological isolation of the main bacteria causing liver diseases in poultry production · Closed
Vallbo Foundation · Fellowship
Applications now open
Microbiological isolation of the main bacteria causing liver diseases in poultry production to be conducted by postgraduate students of Veterinary Sciences
The liver has an essential role for the animals since it performs basic functions such as detoxification of the organism and synthesis of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. However, chicken liver can harbor various types of microorganisms that may affect human health.
In poultry, maintaining the liver in optimal conditions is imperative to obtain good productive results, because it is in charge of the synthesis of the necessary components to produce meat and eggs. It is also crucial to maintain the liver condition to ensure food safety.
The Vallbo Foundation following its goal to promote research and education in poultry science opens a fellowship for postgraduate students in Veterinary Science to carry out a project on microbiological isolation of the main bacteria causing liver diseases in poultry production.
Summary of the proposal:
- Topic: Microbiological isolation of the main bacteria causing liver diseases in poultry production
- Open for postgraduate students in Veterinary Sciences
- Execution time: one year (can be extended by another year according to the academic results)
- Applicants must send their project proposal via e-mail at secretaria@fundaciovallbo.cat
Applicant’s requirements:
- Details of the student (Name, Passport, College/University Affiliation, Email Address, Curriculum Vitae resume)
- Have a graduate degree related to Veterinary Sciences
- Description of the facilities: description of the organization/university involved and the facilities where the research will be conducted (one page)
- Project description: Title, purpose, specific goals, and justification (five pages)
- Budget of the project
The documents should be submitted by e-mail at: secretaria@fundaciovallbo.cat
Amount of the grant
- The grant will cover the expenses derived from the project prior approval of the budget which must be included in the application.
Selection process
Vallbo Foundation will be in charge of the selection process. First selection stage will be carried out based on the applications received. Interviews with the applicants will be carried out for the final decision.
Call opening date:
1st May 2021
Call closing date:
31st July 2021
31st August 2021
Obligations of the grant holder
- Commits to respect the basis of the call and the compliance with the proposed schedule
- Send monthly reports to Vallbo Foundation
Dissemination of the project
Publications, oral or written communications, or any other form of dissemination related to the project needs to be communicated to Vallbo Foundation as soon as possible for approval. Once approved, a copy of the publication must be sent to the Foundation.
The publication of partial or total results will not be allowed without the authorization of the Foundation.
In addition, publications and communications must recognize and hereby state the grant received from the Foundation.
Interruption of the grant
Vallbo Foundation may interrupt the funding in advance, due to non-compliance or deviation from the plans, budgets or project objectives, as well as for not delivering the monthly/required reports and/or for serious disagreement related to the evolution of the project.